
If you are looking for a decision Matrix that will help you choose the right software development partner, you have just found it.

We have put together criteria that you need, to identify the best team to provide both technical skills and innovative ideas in product development.

And the beauty of it?  You can customize all the criteria to fit your reality.

  • Revise the criteria as necessary for your project.

  • Enter a weight for each criterion, with 0 being least important and 5 being extremely important.
  • Enter the name of each company being considered.

  • For each criterion, enter a raw score with 0 as the lowest score and 5 as the highest score.

  • The document will automatically multiply the weight and raw score to provide a weighted score for each criterion, and a total weighted score for each company.

  • Compare the total weighted score for each company; the higher the number, the better.

Extend the technological expertise of your development team


Scale up an existing team with experts’ skill set


Accelerate time to market for software product development

Reinforce project controls and reduce risk

Learn more about partnering with Orthogone to drive innovation.